Thursday, September 8, 2011

surah al fatihah-english edition (wholely)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; 
2. Most Gracious, Most Merciful; 

3. Master of the Day of Judgment.
4. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.
5. Show us the straight way,
6. The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace,
7 those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.

al fatihah means opening . this is because this surah which located at the first of  list of all surahs in Quran works as the opening to any other surah.
there are some other names of surah al fatiha such as Ummul Quran or Ummul Kitab (mother of the Book) Syifa( Preventing)  , Sab`ul Mathani ( the repeated of seven verses) ...All these names, like a big figure has get honored titles from his community, illustrate incredible values and virtue of the Surah.

discussion about the virtue of al Fatiha, we can see

throughout the Muslims practicing of Sufism, there were so many great ascetics discover a wide space of secrects within their living with  al fatihah. here i records some of their methods to be references for those who follow their wisdom  and then go on to explore more advances and develop what their earlier masters had been already achieved .
Repeating al Fatihah  several time with hard intention to deal with his brother in distance,   
repeating al Fatihah
Repeating al Fatihah  several time with hard intention to cure certain diseases

Repeating al Fatihah  several time with hard intention to discover secrets of living

when one murid want to trace something , he should be fasting in day and recite meditatively al fatihah as much as posible during  night . in order to achieve full concentration for that, he should keep  his eyes closed. He can find a screen in between of his closed eyes and listen voice of his conscience. Images come to his screen initially blur and then ubiquitously  more clear. this way of meditation can be a great inner power for him to explore many things covered in himself .

a question should be raised here is how can this small surah make their spiritual journey reach meditatively to what they want to? of courses, that is the secret of al Fatihah.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

in reminding us to commence any manner with reciting bismillah, the Prophet mentions in hadith:

كل أمر ذى بال لا يبدأ فيه ببسم الله الرحمن الرحيم فهو أقطع 

such good manner started with no mention of bismillahirrahmanirrahim , that is cut 

one of the most beautiful teaching of Islam can be found in this hadith . The Prophet order us to start any manner with mention the name of Allah. it draw al barakah to come to your side and then make you lucky in your activities.

bismillah is a part of doa. whenever you say bismillah, it make you stand under mercy and bless of Allah.

both of Arabic words ar rahman and arrahim which are in superlatives form are derived from word rahmat-bless, this a pair of name --make sense that all creation are ordered to be blessing to others as his creator blesses him. when someone mention bismillah in beginning of such manner, he train himself to purify his soul , reject his feeling of arrogant and obey to submit himself to commands of Allah. Bismillah is one of highways make him reach to taqwa.

In feqh side, there are disputes among the scholars either bismillah is a part of al fatiha or not. the authentic view says according to the Hadith soheh,  bismillah is a part of fatihah.

1. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;

the saying of alhamdulillah represents feeling of thankful to Allah that rise from heart  submit to His commands. the thankful result to feeling free from any shirik

through this verse, the word al `alamin which means world can be  included into two types : 1) higher world and 2) lower world

The Higher world are like angels, sun, stars, and other that  the knowledge should be reminded in uncovered knowledge

the second  are like all materials exist in this world such as various kinds of human being, plants, animals, metals, waters, airs, etc that Allah provide for interest of human being. Every singular thing of each kind of these creations consist? A terrific/ enormous  secret of exhaustible treasure of  His terrific knowledge and mercy.

2. Most Gracious, Most Merciful;

as mentioned earlier that rahmat is a need for all creation ---

For examples:
Allah provide milk for baby in his mother mammals  before he or she get born. When he or she labored out, the milk growth day by day  according to the old of the baby.  Control  under needs of baby
Tiger and lion, when she want to labour –find out a safe place , no ant and like so is elephant , find out a reassurance place silent from --mouse
both of these Arabic word which repeated and added here is to reveal that by all kind of His rahmat, everyone should pay its necessity in shape of worship Him, The Lord . that is because all obligations commanded to slave will place them in His rahmat  


3. Master of the Day of Judgment. 

this verse reveal that Allah is the Master of the day of judgment.every single muslim should keep the view in fact that Allah is Just, he has full authority to pardon or punish anyone, he pleases . He has complete power over everythings.--to make our end happy or sorrowful.  

the second jugdement will be so important because in the first, human being do not meet absolute just, due to mistake, error or collusion etc
4. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. 

The arabic word "ibadah" is used in three meaning : 1) worship and devotion  2)  submission and obedience 3) subjection and servitude.

Here it implies all the three that is, we are thee worshippers, thy slaves and thy subjects. we keep these relations with thee. We make none else the object of worship in all the three meanings

5. Show us the straight way, 

after introduce his names and teach us about ibadat --

Allah teach us to make doa  by asking Him to guide us the right way . this is because the guidance do not come except from Him. He is the owner of straight path 

straight way need one to be love to wisdom, brave, just, and forgiveness. All these are big morality of seeking straight way.

6. The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace,

the same way of all the Prophets, siddiqin, marth and
7 those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray. 

the straight way is distinguished from the  way of  Jews who is not wrath and Christianity who go astray

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