Monday, September 12, 2011

the introduction of surah al hadid(iron)

the name of this surah al hadid which means iron represents about strength. the ummah should rule the international trading of iron and monopolize its technologies. because that are one of the most important  keys of strength as portraited symbolically   by the surah .

through out the long journey of history after noah  whom some of his descendants immigrated  to east and some others went west. All super power set up by them were reliably deal with iron. because not of iron is a main  sources in making  weapon but to all staffs needed.
no power gained without no dealt with it.

in other side we can see that Allah had granted  Dawud  power to manage iron which means to make weapon , therefore,  Bani Israel won over their enemies and successed in set up country in Palastine. despite they lost in battle for more that ten generations as mentioned by historians.
let us imagine what should be happened if that is not that. we can answer logically that they , if have no power in iron were still in lost.  

so iron is still remind as a main sources the ummah  need to have hand/ handle and manage in their process of back to the glory of Islamic cilivization.
let us pick up  points of views from what was briefly in Islamic history about struggle between arab and persian.

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